Thursday, June 10, 2010

stoopid camera phone

So, I took photos for all you good people, via my Palm Pre, but right now, I can't get them to email. Tonight, I'll take some with the real camera and upload them. I pinky-swear.
But, how about we talk about knitting? I'm in a knitting quandry about my next project. I'm in a scarf mood. I just finished a pair of socks, I need to finish up a sweater (Jared Flood's Huron) and I have 25% of a new sock done. Oh, and 1/2 a baby sweater. I'm in that place. That place where you feel like you have knitting ADD b/c nothing feels right? I've been here for 2 weeks. Hopefully, a business trip this weekend (and into most of next week) will cure that. Nothing like hotel-knitting to get things done, I tell you. I really spend most of my non-working, non-entertaining hours, parked on the GIANT hotel bed, surrounded by pillows, watching bad tv and knitting. Of course, I am checking emails and getting some work done, but honestly, it's mostly it's knitting and sleeping early. A secret: I love work travel b/c it's the only time I have the bathroom to myself in the morning. I don't have to wait for anyone (PC) and I can take my time.

My knitting wish list for the 2nd half of 2010:

1) Finish Huron

2) knit Starsky for my mom

3) knit 4
more pairs of socks
571121403_0cb29bf220.jpg2302161622_9d4268ef9e.jpg467639290_bb786f9b1f.jpg (Clessidra counts as 2 pair)
4) knit 3 scarves
5) knit Shalor for PC :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I've been feeling the same I decided to start a Baby know...3 prs of socks started....a shawl almost done and I was just on a dishcloth kick....

    Have a safe trip!

