A hodge podge of my creativity: knitting, sewing, quilting, crocheting, and my life as a early 30s domestic diva.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
no knitting...no camping...just sick
PC was my rock this weekend. He sat with me Friday night and he rented the Heffalump movie (I know, it's for 5 year olds, but it was cute, it involved no plot-engaging thinking and well, it distracted me for 68 minutes) and we had ice cream sundaes (peppermint stick with hot fudge for me!)for dinner. More conversation about "should we/shouldn't we" for camping the next day. Weather forecast looked dismal. Sickly Mini with sickly sounding cough and zero energy was on the "pro camping" side of the debate b/c well, we really needed a weekend away and I just feel better when I am camping. So, PC was on the opposite side. Always the diplomat, he says "we'll see how you feel in the morning."
Enter morning... Mini has about 4 hours of sleep, completely interrupted b/c I can't breathe when I am lying down and can't sleep sitting up. THIS is allergies? No wonder everyone bitches about them (my first bout with allergies). So, sore throat is still there... has moved to my ears? Hmm... this is new. Runny stuffy nose? Check. Super sore chest muscles from coughing? Check. Raspy rattling cough? Uh oh... this is not "allergies". I know this. THIS is bronchitis. Call warning to bronchitis-prone PC. "Nope, just the nasty cold I had last week... tag, you're it" says PC. Otay! Now, I know strep throat choking throat culture will come back negative. No little bumps on the throat. No fever. Nurse gave me penicillin "just in case." ( I took them, just in case) Friday I was told by doc to return to work. "Not contagious"
Saturday afternoon- PC knows I cannot stay inside all day. I am NOT good at that. So, he calls the camping place... says sorry "she's practically dying" they say "ok, no refund." (we werent' expecting one) So, off to lunch. Yummy lunch at favorite sandwich deli (Lendy's). Now what? SLUSH. Now, everyone NOT hailing from Metro North of Boston: SLUSH IS NOT A SLUSH PUPPY OR A SNO-CONE. Slush is a frozen mass of water, sugar-laden flavoring, and artificial coloring. You have to scrape it out of a bucket to put it into a cup. The consistency is smooth and cold and wonderful. And if you have a sore throat... you want to throw your self at the Richie's Slush guy when you see him. Slush is a New England tradition... very specific to Boston. It's like Italian Ice, but not. So, with a 1/2 watermelon, 1/2 lemon slush, we set to calming my throat.
Saturday afternoon continues with a delve into the Blockbuster store near PC's. Leave with Shark Tale and Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. The second movie leads us to ask 'what's a white castle?' So, I made it through exactly 1/2 of each movie- drooling into PC's lap while snoring loudly. We head to Papa Gino's for dinner. Sunday-- PC went to work to 1. get overtime, 2. help with the big inventory counting that was scheduled (remember, we are supposed to be away this wknd). He works, I attempt to sleep. We make a big decision to go see "Star Wars : revenge of the sith". Very interesting movie. I am not into Star Wars... they are good entertainment, don't get me wrong, but I am more interested in comedies than these sci-fi things. But overall, I enjoyed it. Lunch/dinner was at a great new BBQ place called Famous Dave's on Rt. 1 in Saugus. One complaint about the movie: the people who brought the toddler who SCREAMED everytime the lighting changed. Or something blew up. Or something was loud. PC didn't notice. He was into the movie. At this point,PC decides he too has my cold. So, our movie "sneak in bag" (that usually has Walgreen's candy, home popped popcorn, and bottles of water) now has cough drops, tissues, and Chlorasceptic. A note about my sneak in bag... if I am paying $10 for a movie, I am NOT paying $20 for the stuff to munch on. A good thing though, our movie theater doesn't serve coffee (at least I can't find it) so, I am NEVER stopped with my Dunkin' Donuts cup!
So, sick weekend, very little knitting b/c well, I was ill. Spent a good part of Monday making PC grilled cheese sandwiches (I am the Queen of the grilled cheese...just enough melty and butter) and then mindlessly starting at the tv. I did, finally do some knitting on the silk sweater, but have to say, was worried abotu coughing on the yarn.
OH! My Threadbear order arrived! You guys are wonderful!
Did I mention that my office is now sick? Yup, boss called in today and the other two are travelling... will probably check in with them later to see if they are sick too.
happy Knitting Tuesday!
~Mini *cough*
Thursday, May 26, 2005
...phew...that was close!

On closer inspection, I noticed this...

That little window on the left? My office. If the tree had fallen straight and not leaned, well, I wouldn't have an office. And here is the evidence that this tree was going to be a goner:

I am almost done with my Champlain Sock #1. (remember sock #2 will be completed this weekend while camping). No new pics, but should be one tomorrow. :) Also, on Tuesday, will have some camping photos- like our "summer home." (a.k.a. the tent)
Happy Knitting Thursday!'
I'm off to see what they are doing about the tree...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Secret Pal 5- LOOK HERE!
To: my SP5
From: Mini
Here are my answers to the SP5 questions... you can always drop an annonymous comment on my blog if you need more info!
1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
Umm..yarn snob, kinda. I like natural fibers, but knit with Cotton Ease and Wool Ease b/c of the ease of care.
2. Do you spin? Crochet?
I don't spin... am afraid to add another addiction to the list. I do crochet...
3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
No known allergies, but I smoke, so that should be thrown out there for a SP... but not around my wool.
4. How long have you been knitting?
less than one year, but I learned AGES ago and used to knit like crazy.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
nope, prefer to be surprised
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
lilac, vanilla, and cookies.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
yes...I adore chocolate (dark) and caramel
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I quilt, sew and design my own handbags.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
Oh boy... I love country music! (dodging to avoid CDs thrown at my head)
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
I'm an "autumn"... but I love pink, purple and bright blues. I am not into yellows at all.
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
Currently seeking apt with PC, no pets (yet)... have kitten obsession now (kitties will be mine!)
12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)
Hmmm... well, to be a great person! I want to be a mom, a wife, and a great scientist.
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
I am in love with Cherry Tree Hill Supersock sock yarn...PC may have some competition. :) but, I love any thing soft and NO scratchy. :)
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
100% pure acrylic. 100% pure rayon.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
I am loving cabled sweaters... the more cables the better.
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
17. What are you knitting right now?
socks, two tank tops, PC's black sweater, Clapotis
18. What do you think about ponchos?
they WERE cute... now, they aren't
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
circular all the way!
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
all of the above and of course, Addis!
21. Are you a sock knitter?
asked and answered
22. How did you learn to knit?
my godmother taught me.
23. How old is your oldest UFO?
5 months?
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
I love Tinkerbell and love giraffes!!!!!
25. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas! and all the weeks leading up to it!
26. Is there anything that you collect?
I shouldn't collect anything, but yes, magnets, music boxes....
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
None! I buy them at the newstand if they appeal to me!
28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on?
Oh, Last Minute Gifts, Vogue (on the go), as well as any mittens and gloves book.
Nor'easter knitting!
So, I finally have some photos for y'all. One of the Silk Sweater, that, yes... I am still afraid to frog. I will do it tonight while staring blankly at the tube. Last night's staring blankly at the tube resulted in a large amount of progress on the Champlain Sock.
and the heel (why am i fascinated with turning my heels? I also need to learn short row heels...anyone have good directions?)
So, more knitting news. (PC-avert your eyes) I bought yarn. I know, I am supposed to be on a yarn diet, but this was too good! I was *innocently* looking at Threadbear Fiber Art Studio because, well... it looked interesting. And, they were having a sale. A good sale. A sale that made me break my yarn diet. Now, this info is for PC:
1. the yarn is for ME
2. it was almost 50% off
3. I would never be able to afford it if it weren't
4. it's discontinued (hence the 50% off)
5. it's cotton and silk so I will be "pettable". ;)
here's the picture (I have 12 124-yd skeins on the way! enough for a short sleeve sweater)- i chose the lime green.
So, there it is... then end of the yarn diet relapse. Absolutely no more! I told the women at both my LYS's - no mas until the fall. :)
Since I am on a yarn diet- you might be wondering why. Here's why:
Mini's list of crap to finish:
1. my Champlain socks
2. PC's black sweater (oh, he chose the red v-neck style, FYI)
3. SIL (now) Xmas sweater
4. my silk sweater
5. Clapotis for mom's b-day
6. two tank tops for me- one ribbon and one a weird tape yarn
TRANSLATION: way in over my head. I leave you with a picture of the top-down raglan that is the silk sweater. I added a v-neck and I absolutely love this pattern (it's a fill-in-the-blanks-and-it-will-fit-you-to-a-tee pattern I found online)
Happy Wednesday knitting!
PS- weather report for Boston: Nor'easter... hang onto your skirts! Oh, (once again, PC- avert eyes)- I was driving to work today, avoiding all the downed trees, etc and I heard a noise. A loud noise. I turned down radio and instinctively stepped on the break. Did I hit something? Is it a truck? Complete astonishment as a tree branch plops from the sky and lands 5 feet in front of my car. A BIG branch. Huge branch. Do I grab my digital camera? Nope, slip into reverse, back up, turn left, slip into drive and proceed to go around branch. If I were 5 feet closer, my car would be squished. and Mini too!
Monday, May 23, 2005
wake up late and what do you get?
Other news: we saw the New Regulars on Saturday night at Lizard Lounge in Cambridge. Once again, fantastic performances by all who were there. Side note to Chris: sorry we had to leave a little early, I was exhausted and was the one driving! So, we are going to try to get to the next show on Thursday- Sky Bar in Somerville. :)
Saturday was the day from camping hell. I love camping, but I hate (and PC audibly hates) the "prep work" before the first trip. We got the tent up and aired out before the rain on Saturday (we got it down about 10 minutes before it rained) and the tent now smells better. :) We got all the mouse poop off everything. And I washed all the utensils, plates, cups, etc. We de-gunked the portable grill, sorted through stuff we needed to toss and stuff we needed to keep. All-in-all, a LONG morning. PC was amazed that we got so much done before noon. I have to say, I was a little surprised myself. So, then we hit Walmart hell. Long lines, too many people. All we needed was a few things for the camp box (new pots-ours were toxic-, batteries, fire starter, WD-40, etc) and $107 later, we left Walmart. I have to say, it was the batteries that killed us. $5 a pack and we needed like 8 packs. (radio, flashlights, lantern...)We were rewarded from Walmart hell with a little coffee and that seemed to help.
Before we hit the Walmart on Saturday, I had to swing by my LYS to talk to the owner. Now, I KNOW needles aren't returnable. EVER. But, when I pay $15 for Addi Turbos, US #9... and bring home some cheap imitation needles that refuse to uncoil and are US#10, I have a problem. Especially b/c they were IN the Addi package. Turns out the LYS was the victim of a switcharoo. An employee took back some circulars from a customer. Owner had had problems with said customer before about returning things (like hanks that were completely snarled and half-wound into balls). And I got the needles this person returned after taking the Addis OUT of the package and replacing with a cheaper pair. At least the owner swapped them out for me. She's very great like that!
Well, I will take some photos tonight... added about an inch to the Champlain socks, but not much more.
Happy Knitting Monday!
Friday, May 20, 2005
No Knitting Photos
It amazes me how much stuff I have started: 2 socks, 3 sweaters, and I just downloaded Clapotis? What's wrong with me? I will be finishing the silk sweater this weekend b/c well, I want to wear it next week and it's gonna be rainy and crappy, so instead of airing out the tent for next week's camping trip, I'll be knitting... and cleaning. So, we are off to go camping next weekend at our FAVORITE little family run campground: Thousand Acres. And we haven't even LOOKED at the camp stuff since last October? Yuck. With the storage facility having had a MOUSE problem this winter... double YUCK. Hopefully no mouse-y friends will accompany the camp stuff to one of the houses. ( I have been paid to kill laboratory mice before, but the little wild ones? ewwww...)The Cherry Tree Hill socks need to go camping (as a project for the weekend)--- the "clown-y" socks (look down a few posts) will be going for nighttime warmth and so that PC doesn't scream in the middle of the night when my ice cold piggies wander over to his side.
So, I will leave you photos of some of the places PC and I have been the past few weeks... I love taking my camera and he's patient about the photos, as long as he's not in them.
Arnold Arboretum (Jamaica Plain, MA)

Boston Common (I used to sit here and wait for PC after work, when I was still working in town... I miss that, alot)

Halibut Point in Rockport, MA
*this is the quarry pond--- beyond that, is the Atlantic Ocean
this place DEFINITELY deserves a 2nd hike.

Harvard Square (yes, this is there... you have to look for it... and look in the 'real' Harvard for it!) while you are there, check out Harvard Univ Museum of Natural History

No more posts until Monday- will try to get some knitterly pics. :)
Happy Knitting Weekend!
Thursday, May 19, 2005

Knitting content, knitting content... where did I put it? Oh, yes, the little blur of yarn muffin with the sticks attached? That's the Champlain sock, about 1 inch into it. I haven't been a fan of adding the "k1p1" ribbing to my sock tops, I like my socks to be smooth all the way up and I find the k1p1 rib kinda makes them "poof." Who cares- they are MY socks. :) Yes, KnitWit Momma was right, washable socks are a MUST! I can see blocking a gorgeous aran sweater out, or even a beautiful tank top. But socks? Please! I want them warm, washable and wearable. That's all it takes for me! Here is a close up of the sock yarn all knitted up.

I still have no photos of the Silk Raglan, but it's practically flying off the needles. PC says I have to "downsize" stuff before we apartment hunt. I love him very much, but this was one of those moments where I was like "do you even KNOW me?" DOWNSIZE? Take one look at my purse collection and you know that this is ridiculuos. Hey, maybe I will do a trade! One purse for a skein of yarn or something... I will think about this more. Let me know what y'all think.
Well, I should probably do work. Hmm... knitting is work, no? No, I guess I should do actual work. Being a grown-up is not fun at all.
Happy Thursday Knitting!
*side note: season finale of CSI is tonight... there will be some MAJOR knitting going on!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
wishin' and hopin'....
Origami Bag from Lantern Moon:
Bamboo yarn from Southwest Trading Company
Ebony needles for socks
the ENTIRE cherry tree hill line of sock yarns
a HUGE quilting frame (and a house to put it in)
God, this list could go forever... well, I'll stop now. I just keep staring at certain fibers in the LYS and just KNOW that if I actually bought it, I would probably be afraid to knit with it. ...like the $50/50 yds of cashmere I saw on Newbury Street in Boston- I would pet it, not knit it. Well, maybe if I learned how to make gloves...
have a knitting day!
Tomorrow night, check out the NEW REGULARS They will be at the Sky bar in Somerville. Saturday night they will be at Lizard Lounge in Cambridge on Mass Ave. PC gave me this info, so double check at the website for the band. Am listening to them in my lab right now... am getting the whole place addicted to them (Chris,you might need to copy more CDs!)
yarn porn... ha ha ha

I have seen this type of photo described like this before and I never understood it until I found Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn. Yes, Koigu is pretty, but Cherry Tree Hill is beautiful AND machine washable! I can have gorgeous socks that just get comfier and softer and yummy warm in the dryer. Gotta love it! This particular colorway is "Champlain Sunset". It's gorgeous. I started up a pair of socks immediately (how many damn projects can I have going at once?)
Work is pretty amazing. I can't believe that I actually found a job that is paying me this well to do what I love- be a lab rat. :) It's hard to explain to non-science people that I actually get paid to think. Yup, and to solve problems and puzzles and play with cool machines in the lab. This particular job allows me to increase my potential though. I am hoping it leads to a "corporate trainer" type of position where I could train individuals on our technology in the lab here. There is nothing like hands-on instruction. But, add the fact that I tend to pipet (those do-hickeys that the use to pull up samples on CSI?) 4-7 hours per day and I knit, well- I am destined for carpal (sp?) tunnel syndrome. :)
More knitting stuff: I think the SIL sweater is going to have to wait for Christmas. I'll get her a gift card to Ann Taylor. It's not that I don't want to knit her a sweater, I just don't want to right now. And since I haven't promised it or anything, no harm, no foul. Well, I did start working on a short sleeve, v-neck raglan for myself. It's in Plymouth Turino Silk, color #11. A rust red. It's perfect for an autumn gal like myself. It feels so good to knit this!
More photos tomorrow!
:) Mini
wish list
Origami Bag from Lantern Moon:
Bamboo yarn from Southwest Trading Company
Ebony needles for socks
the ENTIRE cherry tree hill line of sock yarns
a HUGE quilting frame (and a house to put it in)
God, this list could go forever... well, I'll stop now. I just keep staring at certain fibers in the LYS and just KNOW that if I actually bought it, I would probably be afraid to knit with it. ...like the $50/50 yds of cashmere I saw on Newbury Street in Boston- I would pet it, not knit it. Well, maybe if I learned how to make gloves...
have a knitting day!
Tomorrow night, check out the NEW REGULARS They will be at the Sky bar in Somerville. Saturday night they will be at Lizard Lounge in Cambridge on Mass Ave. PC gave me this info, so double check at the website for the band. Am listening to them in my lab right now... am getting the whole place addicted to them (Chris,you might need to copy more CDs!)
Friday, May 13, 2005
mail call!

and this:

yes, i needed it. and at 50% off... wow. what a steal (use the coupon MAYA550 at Joann.com). Well, this will be a "driveby" posting b/c I am wiped. LONG night last night with a business dinner. Yup, a business dinner... I feel like an adult. Oh, I am an adult. That's an odd realization... I think I need to go back to bed now. Have a lovely weekend! oh, and Happy Knitting!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Choices, choices, choices

Pretty nice huh? Cotton Ease in "Licorice." He agreed that it was soft, and I like that it's washable. So, now patterns. I found the greatest place yesterday on my way home from work. Wild and Wooly in Lexington Center. It's great! Staff was helpful and they helped me find a pattern. And they have a "yarn nazi"-- she won't let you buy more stash until you finish a project. It's not for everyone, just people who tell her "keep me from stashing." I have to say, while I love my local LYS, this place is so much better. They even carry Lorna's Laces, a brand I have been dying to try, but the superwash sock yarn was all picked over... they had people waiting for the shop to open the day the stock arrived! Yikes! So, I chose two patterns for PC to pick:
Number 1 (the red v-neck)

Number 2

Email me or drop a comment to help vote. Ultimately, PC has the final say, but it would be interesting to see what everyone else thinks!
Now, what about "me knitting"? Hmm, well I started the Lion Brand Incredible tank pattern from this month's Cast On.(it's # 26) I like it. I am not using the recommended colorway, but I like mine better. Also, because I am "full" figured, I had to add a little length and more inches across the boobs. :)

turns into this

Oh, and this is for CHRIS (one of the New Regulars), yes, I am updating my blog, slowly, but surely. Let's make a deal, I'll keep updating and you guys play another gig! No, really, the CD is a permanent fixture in the car. For all of you who don't know them, check out the link on this site and listen to the free downloads. They rock. :) Oh, and I don't mind if you blog-stalk me (yes, he told me).
Well, happy Thursday to y'all...
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Secret Pal 5
BUT... I am in Secret Pal 5!
blueberry sweater

Apologies!!!! I know, I have been a bad blogger, but it's for a good reason- I have a new JOB! Wait, nope... this isn't just a job....it's a CAREER! Not many people get their dream jobs, but I did. I get to be all science-y and geeky and have fun! Love the new boss (es) and the work and the hours... oh, am I gushing?
So, for an update: PC is doing well... and buggin' me to update my blog. :) I love that he's my biggest fan. I also have some GREAT news for you all... I HAVE PICTURES! Yes, you will actually be able to SEE what I have been knitting. :)
So, the Blueberry sweater has been knit, seamed, zipped (12 separate attempts to install a zipper and it's still not perfect, but she loves it and well... that's what counts!) and wrapped.
bad blogger....no donut!
What else have I been up to? Hmmm... remember I said I made a new bag? Well, here it is!

Pretty, huh?
Hmm... well, two pairs of socks....I will be able to give you more info on the socks later.
