Thursday, February 16, 2006

*yawn* G'Morning...I think

Normally, I am a morning person. Yup, I am the one up by 8 on Saturday and ready to face the day by 8:30 (post-shower and coffee ritual). But, this week...sleepy all the time. It's weird. I think I am hitting my "stress-from-work-stress-from-home-stress-about-moving-stress-about-knitting" crash point.

Stress about knitting? Can this be possible? Yup, consider me injured folks. I cannot put myself through the Olympics of knitting. PC's sweater has been patiently waiting in the wings and I just want to finish up those sleeves and put in a neck line. I want to finish the two pairs of socks I have 1/2 of a sock for, each.

I need to pack. Alot. I need to push through piles of crap and organize and find my cookbooks and get stuff together.

I need to shop for apartment-y things like plungers and drying racks.

I also need to enjoy my last two weeks of living with the 'rents. I do. My family is such an important part of my life and I need to be ok with moving out on good terms. Being bitchy and snarly and feeling overwhelmed is NOT good terms. I snapped at the dog this morning.THE.DOG. *sigh* I need a nap.

I would like, instead of walking out "injured", merely move my socks.

"I, Minestrone Soup, vow to finish the purple hand-dyed 2x2 rib socks for my mom, and the Crazy Crusoe socks for me by 2/26. I will sprint to the Closing Ceremonies!"

There you have it.
:) Mini


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Changing events is 100% allowed. You'll end up sick if you push yourself with all the extra stress.
    Have you been to IKEA for apartmenty stuff? I love their stuff. If you are buying things like a hamper or other larger empty containers use them to pack your stuff in. They're going anyway and you won't have to deal with as many boxes.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think thats a wise wise choice!

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    sounds like you need "team FO"
    hope you get time to get everything done!
