Thursday, June 30, 2005

Is it Friday yet?

Ughh...not yet. How come the office is humid too? We have AC, but it's still muggy as all get-out in here. Oh well... will have to sit in the walk-in cold room in the lab for the's a perfect 4 deg C in there.

Oh, knitting? Well, first: thank you to my voters! I did go ahead with a tank top. Grumperina, I had to heed the call of this yarn...not the red/white/blue. I am still going to make the red/white/blue one (because I have a ton of those colors in cotton that just scream "tank top").

What do you think? You have to FEEL this yarn. Imagine if you could take your favorite t-shirt (y'know the one that is perfectly worn, that makes you feel good and comfy whenever you put it on? mine is a t-shirt I "appropriated" from PC when we first started dating...little piece of t-shirt heaven) and have it made into yarn. People: this is THAT yarn. It's by and it's called Cotton Club. (I am going to have to find this one online, soon!). I bought it out of the sale bin at my LYS. The whole thing (6 balls of pink, 4 of blue) cost me $6. Yup. I am going for a "oh-hell-just-knit-a-tank-top-it-can't-be-that-hard" pattern...from my head. I am not knitting in the round b/c I was wary about the jogging of the colors. And for those that have met me in person, these colors are perfect for my dark hair and blue eyes, no? I am little worried about the horizontal stripes, as I am a *big girl* but overall, the look is cute, so I'll roll with it.

And lastly, a few pictures from the yard... now that these greet me every morning, I KNOW that it's summer.

Happy knitting Thursday! ~mini

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