Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

One can sit and think about the year in one of two ways: the good or the bad. The things you wanted but did not get or the things you got and didn't know you wanted. It's one of those quirky things about the human condition: our ability to break down a length of time into events/ideas/tangible items and then determine the best way to analyze them. The human condition part comes in when you make the very definite decision to be positive or negative.

I've decided to be positive. We all know that in late 2008, I lost my job; in January, PC got really sick; we've had snow storms, moved, illness... but here's what you don't know....

In 2009, I ....
  • found a new career that I love and am really, really good at. Really good. Ask my boss. I amaze her daily
  • re-found my love of quilting and took a class. And signed up for another class. And made a quilt by myself in between
  • made new friends, and kept old ones, and purged my toxic friendships.
  • took control of my health and stood up to my doctor***
  • learned that PC and I can do anything as long as we do it together

In 2009, I knit....
  • 2 pair of socks
  • 2 shawls
  • 3 of the same sweater!!! (Olivia and twin sisters, Brooke and Tori have matching outfits)
  • 4 hats
  • 8 mittens
  • 5 scarves
  • 4 baby sweaters (not counting the matchy-matchy ones)
  • 3 dolls
All in all... a good year.

*** standing up to my doctor and taking control of my health. This is something that I think all women should do and I don't think we do because we don't want to seem pushy, rude, ungrateful, or like a know-it-all. In 2009, my doctor said the words "weight loss surgery" to me more than once. I fought to get someone else to look at my test results and I have to say, what a relief when you see a doctor who wants to help you. Dr. Schreiber, you rock.

In the upper right of this blog, you will see a new ticker... a weight loss ticker. Each week, I'll update the number and we'll all watch it move to the right. I'll also post my loss in a posting each week as well. Medication and a modified (highly) South Beach Diet will be my tools. And you. You are my cheerleaders. :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Mayhem

Now, I don't usually blog about where PC and I, but we live in Newton, MA. In Nonantum, to be specific. Also known affectionately as "the lake." There is not lake, there is the Charles River (about 200 feet from my house), but no lake that we have found yet.

Newton is not known for its Christmas celebrations, as it is usually associated with the large Jewish population that resides here. Nonantum is a bit different: we have two populations here, Italian Catholics and Orthodox Jews. The very conservative orthodox temple is nearby and within walking distance on Shabbat and Our Lady's takes care of the Italians. :)

Antoine's the local bakery and happens to be near my house. PC called me just shy of 7am to report " a mob outside of Antoine's"--- they open at 7am. So, of course, I took a photo on my way to work today. if you look close, you can see... those people are squeezed in tighter than the Green Line T after a Sox game.

And more people waited across the street for the fish shop to open (night of fishes).

Now, I am a Catholic by birth and this kind of scene makes me say "oy vey."

Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night!
Be Merry, Be happy and most of all be safe!

Happy Holidays,
Mini, PC and Pumpkin, the wonder cat. :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Thanks for your support yesterday. It means a lot to know my knitters are on my side!

Well, the color's not perfect, but you can definitely see the dinosaur in this photo. I finished this up after knit night at Island Yarn on Monday. It's a combo of C220 superwash (blue) and Cotton Ease (red). I have to fold the brim back up onto itself and stitch it down. Hopefully this will 1) fit a 5-6 year old head and 2) be cool enough for the school yard :)
So, my little cousin, Carson, will get his ROAR on with his new dino hat. Mittens to follow soon... these are New Year's presents.

More tomorrow on the tree, the mittens with the cuff from hell and waiting for Santa!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Pronunciation: \ˈre-zə-ˌlüt, -lət\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin resolutus, past participle of resolvere
Date: 1533

1 : marked by firm determination : resolved <a resolute character>
2 : bold, steady <a resolute gaze>

synonyms see faithful

In 2010, I am going to be resolute. Recently, I started doing something in my life that is shocking (to me) and freeing (to me): I have been standing up for myself. To everyone. I spent 31 years as a doormat. Being the good daughter, the sister who let her brothers walk all over her, tolerating being called names by family, and not being respected as an adult, a person or a woman. Well, in October, I turned 32 and it had to change.

PC and I had a long talk this fall about my happiness. And I realized, I am happy and I am a good person. But, I let other people take that away from me (several in particular). I'm tired of bending until I am ready to break in order to guarantee that someone will be less miserable, never mind happy. They don't bend to assist in my happiness.

I was afraid that in these 3 months I would have become a more jaded, less helpful, less cheerful person. I was afraid of losing that chatterbox-smiling-thinking-
of-others Mini that so many call friend.  I know a few things about myself: I am intelligent, creative, passionate and make good decisions.

I didn't change. I let myself be happy and I let it all go. I did. My sibling who is constantly belittling and berating me? Gone. It's his problem... not mine. His actions will simply not be permitted in my presence; either I leave or I ask him to. My sibling that assumes that since I am a woman, I have no real job and therefore can accommodate his whims on a moment's notice? Sayonara, my friend. When I didn't comply, he was forced to do it himself and didn't achieve the result he wanted. It happens and we all have to learn to deal with it.

Don't get the wrong idea, I haven't thrown my family away or even removed them from my life. I love them and I want the best for them, but I am not responsible for their happiness. This was learned behavior from my siblings... I taught them it was okay to treat me like crap, that I was not worthy of more. Well, they are old dogs about to learn new tricks.

So, in addition to the following resolutions, I am resolving to be resolute in my decisions. I am a confident woman who has been undermined for too many years. It's time to let Mini shine.

2010 Resolutions:
1. knit more stash yarn. it's a problem.
2. learn to budget better... casa de Mini y PC will be a reality in 3-4 years.
3. stick to dr's orders and take medicine, eat right... and save my own life
4. be resolute about the above paragraphs, which should reduce stress eating
5. walk more. move more. exercise more.
6. go to spin class... love spin class!
7. love PC a little bit more each day... and tell him.
8. enjoy life now, but plan for later... don't wait for the fun start!
9. be a better friend
10. say NO when I need to or even when I want to.

Monday, December 21, 2009

hats & mittens

Many thanks for the well wishes while I was sick. It's been on and off for a week now, and I am feeling a lot better. With all my Christmas knitting (which was few and far between) done, I can move onto very important things, like hats and mitten sets for some of the cousins' kids.

First up, dino hat with mittens. I found the dino graph on Ravelry, and yes, it's a steggy. The designer also had a brontosaurus. :) Cast on 100 stitches, 1 1/2 inch k2, p3; then switch to p2, k2 (for turning) for 1 1/2 inches. Then knit 4 rounds, start chart.
The dino's little sister is 100% all girl and all things girly. So, a cute heart beret. Pattern will be up on my site before Valentines' Day.
And, while I am knitting and PC's out shoveling, Pumpkin was wondering... Is the snow gone yet?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I didn't mean to just abandon you all like that! Life took over and while I'm still not up to speed on my knitting, I am knitting. My 2nd quilting class starts Jan 14th... and I cannot stop dreaming about the quilt!

Yesterday left me at home, gargling salt water and praying for death. Today there is an added cough, the lymph nodes are swollen and tender, and my head feels a bit foggy. It's not a cold.. I am definitely a nose-dripping cold kind of girl. I'm wondering if its allergies? I did spend a few hours with some adorable pups and it's been awhile since I was exposed to dog hair.

Holiday knitting is pretty non-existent. I purchased most gifts this year (easier and I don't spend Christmas night wondering if people *really* liked their gifts). I did knit a hat for an aunt, a scarf for a cousin, and my brother's gf requested a scarf, but is getting a cowl... and am working on two hats for two smaller members of the family. They can be shipped up after Christmas though. I'll show photos tomorrow, okay?

On my 'wishlist to knit' this week: Rav links
Maine Morning Mitts
Auda Beret
Tulip Yoke Baby Cardi
and finally finish my Girl Friday!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Newsletter

I was reading about Lucia's recent Thanksgiving fiasco (she's prone to breaking ovens, don't invite her over if you have cookies due for a swap this weekend! ha ha ha)... and she said that it was good that she doesn't write a holiday newsletter. I got to thinking... this might be how ours would go...

Dear Friends and Family,
2009 was certainly a year of firsts for PC and Mini. When you last heard from us, we had been remarking how fortunate 2008 had been and how we couldn't wait for Christmas. Two days after mailing the cards, I lost my job. We agreed it was too late to return gifts and after checking with Emily Post and Miss Conduct, it was established that asking for "rent" was not considered "okay" at the holidays.

Keeping with the holiday spirit, PC thought we ought to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday entertaining our local hospital employees. We played a raucous game of 'how high can you go?' with his blood pressure. At 3am, a very kind, sweet, young nurse asked me if I was PC's mom... and that's when I made a mental note to wear more makeup. We went from a very normal 30 something couple to people who worried about salt content. Forever cheerful, we established 'not dead' as our motto.

February, March, April and May.... I looked for a job, tried to remember to shower, interviewed 12 times and got rejected 12 times. PC was spiritual in his daily reminders that 'something will come along'. PC and I tested our relationship by discussing how long I'd look for a job 'that speaks to me' before taking contract work in a lab. Wonder at how strong our relationship is.... secretly hope that like dinner plans and birthday parties, PC will forget our agreement. Smile and wonder at the strength of our relationship. Throughout this time, I developed a relationship with our cat, Pumpkin. Once she realized I was going to be around all day, she stopped hissing and taught me how to give her cookies.

June. We decided to move. Just because I was out of work, getting unemployment, and we had no idea when I'd get a job, doesn't mean we can't move! Moving gave me a project! I cleaned, organized and packed. I searched for apartments on the internet. I called agents and landlords. We met Satan. She owns a lovely 2 family on Middlesex Rd in Watertown.

July. We went on vacation to Niagara Falls. LOVED it. Resisted all temptation to throw myself into falls so that PC could have life insurance money. Remembered: Life insurance disappeared with job. July was also the filing of my first 'extension' for unemployment... cried to state worker over the phone. Very nice man named Brian talked me through the very easy process of "do you need an extension?" question. I continued to cry. Discovered I do have pride.

August. Applied, interviewed and received job offer. Read and re-read job offer letter to make sure they weren't joking.

September, October, and November.... slowly regaining my ability to get up and go to work every day. And just like last year... we're really looking forward to Christmas!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful Thursdays--- Finale

Wow... only 4 short weeks in this month of thankfulness. Today's the day... Thanksgiving, Turkey Day, or Gobble Gobble is what I call it.

I have so much in my life to be thankful for... my home (it's rented), my cat (it's adopted) and my family. I should be stating that I am thankful for my job, my car, my clothes, my bank account, my furniture and even my food today, but I can't.

This past year, I have lost a job, been rejected more times than I can count... and I'm still here. I'm still fighting back. It's not perfect. I love my new job, I am thankful I have it, but it's not perfect. I love our new apartment (and what were we thinking adding an extra $400 to the budget without me having a job????), I am thankful I have it, but it's far from perfect.

What I am thankful for is the strength I had this past year. To get out of bed every morning and shower. To get up and sit at the computer for hours and hours, sending resumes that weren't read, asking for jobs I didn't want and smiling everyday at 4pm, because it wasn't fair to not be happy when I didn't have to work. So many days, I thought about how much easier it would be to stay in bed. To not shower. To not leave the house. So many days when my self-imposed lunch break was eating 1/2 a sandwich and crying to the cat... and then cleaning myself up and pushing on. I was strong this year. Stronger than I have ever been. I received a lot of support (PC, especially), but a whole lot of it came from me. This year I am thankful that I found out I am a strong, creative, generous, kind woman that I always wanted to be.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I've been knitting! This is a toddler sweater (size 4T) for my cousin's daughter, Livvie. She's a big sister now! The yarn is Bollocine that I had in the stash... it's a pattern that you make bigger by upsizing your needles and yarn. I did add 10 rows of garter stitch to each sleeve though.
And, here are all 3 matching sweaters together: big sister and two new baby twin sisters. :)
Why does this woman look so happy? This is a new friend, Val, who I met at my quilting class. Yup, I have been taking a quilting class--- very basic,but it helped reinforce some things I needed to relearn or learn brand new. I loved the class so much, I am signed up for the next one!
This is my quilt from class. I love it. It's the first time I have ever made a quilt that came out square. Everything from the cutting to the hand stitching of the binding was an experience.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Daily dose of reality. This article/post on's very popular "love letters", has proven to be a way to stir up conversation.

The gist: a guy met a girl 1 1/2 years ago, they've been dating... and she gained weight. Now he wants to know how/if he should dump her. He states that she wasn't 'small' to start with, but now it's on the border of restricting their love life. Translation: he doesn't want to have sex with her anymore.

Today's LL got like 200+ comments... about 50/50 women to men. It's mind boggling the amount of good, bad and just idiotic advice that was provided.

And, it also makes me thankful for something today. Thankful for my better half, PC. He's seen my weight go up , go down... he's tolerated it. I know it bothers him, but we are this together and I am thankful each day that he's the yin to my yang.... even if my yang is twice the size it used to be.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for modern medicine. PC's dad had to have open heart surgery earlier this week and last night, he'd already been through physical therapy, climbed stairs and was off pain medication. It truly amazes me that we have doctors who can literally hold your heart in their hands, fix it and have you home in a week. It's remarkable. PC's dad is, obviously, doing well and he's receiving 1st class care at a local hospital.

Beyond this immediate thankfulness, there is the overwhelming thankfulness for Dr. Zhu and Dr. Ferguson at the MGH who saved my dad from esophogeal cancer... when so many doctors within their own group said he wasn't able to be saved. They worked together, were aggressive to the cancer, lovely to my family, and my dad's watching his grandson have his 1st Christmas this year.

My mom's illness is also tough to treat, but her pulmonologist will not give up on her. She recently entered an experimental treatment that uses low impact exercise to improve lung function in emphysema and diminshed pulmonary capacity patients. An 'old fashioned' treatment of removing a pint of blood has made an amazing difference in her lifestyle and abilities.

Modern medicine, caring doctors and unlimited access to great facilities... something to be thankful for.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The true meaning

...of giving. It's here. In this story. Go read it and then come back. I'll wait.

You back?

Good. So, what does this wonderful human interest story in our 'local' paper tell us? That giving doesn't have to be with all the hoopla. I spent 4 years of college volunteering, and never stating a word about it. I just did it. PC and I give to Lazarus House (please join us, it's in dire need again this year) each year, but while we ask others to participate, we never disclose how much we give.

It's about doing the good thing for the sake of the good thing. I think Mr. Stone is the last of the mohicans... a true standout gentleman who looked around, saw the community where he has a business and said "hmm. they need "X"." and then gave them X. Mr. Stone has the money, the resources and the mindset to do this and I, for one, think it's great.

Nothing is named after him, he's already provided for his children (he owns Sterilite) and I think he might have wanted to see the good he does. A moment of pride. That's it.

So, god bless Mr. Stone... and keep up the good work.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm thankful for....

Imagination, the one I have and the ones that others have. Look down at your cell phone. Your iPod. Your car alarm thingie. Someone used their imagination and said "what if...." I work with a large amount of "what if" people, people who's creativity knows no bounds and who think mine is limitless as well. It has been my good fortune to have a creative lifestyle and an outlet for my need/desire/urge to create. I love watching little children play... their imaginations are so alive! A toy truck can be a telephone, or it can be a baby carrier. The ability to look at something and see not only what it is, but what it can be.... this is the part of my imagination that I love. As knitters, we look around a room filled with balls of string, essentially, and say "i can see that as a sweater" or a hat, or socks.... we imagine the potential. And, it's an amazing gift.

Is your imagination limitless? What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Well, Carole says I started it, but wow... she really took an idea and ran with it!

My thankfulness comes today from being thankful for my time. PC gives me 'my time' without complaint and I'm not sure I ever really appreciated it until recently. I've always been fairly casual about stating that since PC and I don't have kids (yet), we are free to do whatever we like, whenever we like. But, that is as a couple. As an individual within a couple, I have responsibilities toward the other individual, PC. Years have gone by with me running off to knit night, having shoved some dinner in his general direction and heard the following words "I love you, be careful and have fun *click**click* (makes general knitting movements)" I need this time, he knows I need this time. All the weekend retreats (SPA, the guild sleepover, Rhinebeck)... no complaints. Yes, one or two mentions of being "taken over" by yarn, but I'm learning to keep it in one (or three) rooms... and he looks before he sits. :)

But, it's the time. I need my time to create. To be. To want. To do. In a crazy world with massive economic problems (we were one of those problems, remember? 10 months of unemployment), I am thankful to have a good job that allows me the time to knit and be creative. And I am really thankful for PC for always having known I needed it.

I am thankful today for:
  • the time available to be creative
  • the time to prepare nutritious food
  • the time to listen to leaves crunch
Join the Thankful Thursdays.... you'll be in good company. Add to the comments each week... and let me know if you are blogging on Thankful Thursdays.
Simply Sock Yarn
Crazy knitting fool
Painted Sheep
Danielle (mostly b/c TT got her to blog again)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Babies! Socks! Snot!

Have you ever just been so tired of being tired? I'm there. I'm over this cold... make it go away! I'm tired of waking up with that 'crud in my eyes, mouth, nose" feeling. So, I'm going to focus on the positives: dinner with a friend from California tonight. Work is only 8 hours long. My family has 2 new babies as of Sunday! The twins--- they are here! My cousin Sue had her baby girls on Sunday. Now, I just gotta hop to getting O's sweater done and mail them all up --- I think I can do it by Monday.

I'm thankful today for:
  • hot tea with milk
  • advil cold'n'sinus--- I know it has pseudoephedrine, it's why it works, and it's why I love it. I'm not making meth with it, but if meth cured colds... I'd be first in line.
  • warm kitty sitting on my handknit socked feet. She's purring and it makes my toes tickle.

Monday, November 02, 2009


So, in addition to having a cold, we had some company this weekend! My bff, Sylvie, brought her hubby and son (my nephew), Remi, to go trick or treating! Sylvie, being French and living here for 6 years, had never been trick or treating! So, we took Remi, age 14 months, trick or treating. He lasted 5 houses. :)

A dinner of Chinese take out and chilling with friends was just what we needed.

Sunday day: knitting with Dora, drinking free (shh!) lattes and catching up. Our hours of knitting fly by when it's just us hanging out.

Sunday, it was OUR turn to treat... Celtics! Celtics won, by more than a handful of points, beating the New Orleans Hornets... it was a good game, but not great. Pretty choppy in the first half, with more and more fouls being called. Being me, I noticed that the Hornets used all 5 of their personal fouls before the 6 minute mark each quarter. The Celtics only used all 5 of theirs in one quarter. So, yes... a slower paced game. BUT, I got to see 4 really good dunks--- which I have never seen in a professional game, in person. We walked through the cool night air to Government Center to catch a D train (skipping all the craziness of North Station on a game night)... and I realized just how much I miss being in the city.

And, since it's November and Thanksgiving lands this month.... I'm trying something new. Each day that I blog, I will post 3 things I am thankful for. Feel free to join me in the comments.

  1. my health (even with my cold): I'm overweight, but have been relatively healthy this year
  2. PC, who loves me even when I don't deserve it and who is my rock
  3. my family. Crazy, all of them, but this is the reason I love them most.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I hab a colb

Scratchy throat.
Clogged, itchy insides of ears.
Slight sniffle.

The day before Halloween! I was always sick for Halloween when I was a kid. Ugh. I'm warding this off with Airborne (yes, PC I took it!), Dayquil, tea and lozenges.

Anyone got a homeopathic recipe that works very well?

(note; I'm allergic to kiwi)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Noodles and Rem-dogs

Pattern: Little Liza Jane, by Alison Green Will, the Twist Collective Spring 2009
Yarn: Cascade Superwash 220, just shy of 2 skeins of a lovely plummy purple.
Needles: US 7 circs and straights
Recipient: Noodle, for her Thanksgiving dress
Comments: Love this pattern, am casting on again for a smaller version, knit with sock yarn. Only modifications I have made are as follows:
  • Knit at a larger gauge, so made 12-18 month size using 2nd sizes' measurements.
  • Crocheted edges of dress.

Pattern: Snowman Hat by Susan B. Anderson, Itty Bitty Hats
Yarn: Wool Ease (red and black) & White acrylic
Needles; US 6 circs and dpns
Recipient: Rem-Dog, my nephew... this is one of his winter hats.
  • I made the hat a bit denser by knitting to a smaller gauge.
  • Did a striped scarf
Comments: Love this cute little pattern. He's going to look adorable in it! :)

And because I never show you what's on my needles... this is a bat! Someone's coming to trick-or-treat... and this will be his treat!

Off the needles as well... a Pumpkin hat for my nephew, Jackson. It had to wing it's way to him before Halloween.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Yarn gluttony.

Saturday, I 'refreshed' the stash with some more yarn. A lot more yarn. I'm okay with it, but I have to say, the idea of yarn shopping anytime soon is gone. good bye LYS buying. The WEBS trip netted:
  • 3 skeins Ecological Wool in lavender (Starsky for my mom)
  • 1 ball of sock yarn (PC)
  • 4 balls of Cascade Fixation (socks for mom--- she loves these socks)
  • 10 skeins of Nature Wool in orange (february lady for me!)
  • 2 skeins Poem in pink
  • 2 skeins Poem in blue
This is the year of knitting for me and PC... and not too many others. I've been knitting for some of the small ones, but they are simple 1-2 skein projects.

Has anyone else felt like this?? The over-fed stash sort of just staring at you???

On the needles:
  • Little Liza Jane (Alison Green Will) for Chloe
  • Girl Friday for me
  • Socks that Rock for me

Friday, October 16, 2009

Contest, but no Rhinebeck.

After a careful 3 way emailing scheme, it was decided: too rainy-cold-damp to go to Rhinebeck. Now, this wouldn't normally be an issue, but a week of feeling 'eh' and a long week at work, being cold and wet is just not worth the yarn shopping. It's a bit sad b/c Erika was really ready to go. But, Erika, there will be a bed at the Hampton Inn with your name on it next year, I pinky-swear. And, I'll see what I can do about going up on the Friday. :) But, Amy, Erika and I did not say "well, we'll stay home and watch it rain." No! Hi, ho, it's off to WEBS we go! It's such a great shop and 100% Amy's suggestion, so we're packing up and heading out Saturday a.m. We'll go to Webs and Northhampton Wools. Oh, and since Erika's a vegetarian (A very flexible vegetarian: she can find meatless food anywhere! and that can be tough in Mass!), we haven't told her we are taking her to vegetarian heaven: northhampton. So, tell me your fave restaurant in Northhampton and if we eat there tomorrow (must be open for lunch), the girls and I will send you a little something for your troubles! Entries end at 11:30a.m. Saturday.

Note: I will be calling the Hampton Inn and booking for next year though, have no worries.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Gratulerer med dagen!

(Happy Birthday in Norwegian)
Pink Cake Box Cake

Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to Sylvie!
Happy Birthday to me and Sylvie!
Happy Birthday to we!

Today is me and my best friend's birthday. :) Imagine having your birthday with your best friend? It's as great as it sounds. Now, PC has really pulled out all the stops on tonight's festivities: I have been surrounded in the perfume of IsseyMiyake, L'deau Issey, and will dine tonight at Lumiere.

Tomorrow is dinner/cake with friends and family at our house. Yup, throwing my own birthday party b/c c'mon, do we really need a reason for a party? :)

PS.. how awesome is that cake up there?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Stream of Conscience

  • I woke up w/ a headache, stuffed ears and the sniffles
  • PC gave me a birthday present last night: owl pajamas!!!
  • I'm wearing them now
  • The milk turned
  • I found out the hard way
  • Must.find. breakfast.alternative.
  • Hotel for Rhinebeck is booked.
  • Amy and Erika are my companions for the trip.... look for a midget flanked by two tall women.
  • I don't think my sweater will be done.
  • We're staying in Poughkeepsie
  • I'm not planning on buying yarn
That last bit is a shock, right? I might pick up a skein or two, but I'm not going to shop. Nope, I'm going to visit. :) Also, my yarn 'habit' is a bit on the obscene side right now and I'm feeling awkward about it. Several me-knitting projects and a refusal to knit for Christmas this year will probably help. My FO basket is getting full.

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Countdown to what?
  • my birthday: 5 days
  • my birthday party: 6 days (thank PC--- he's the love of my life for a reason)
  • knit night: 1 day
  • Rhinebeck: 13 days
I'm knitting... I just haven't photographed my WIP: Girl Friday. She's delicious and I am loving knitting her. Do you think she'll be my Rhinebeck sweater?

We'll see.

And, here's a recipe for you (Erika: pay attention: this one's vegetarian)

Curried Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

2 large butternut squashes, split in 1/2 and seeds scooped out
2 tbsp butter, in 4 pieces
salt and pepper
2 boxes Trader Joe's low sodium veg broth (about 10 cups)
1 tbsp curry powder

Put squashes, flesh side up, on cookie sheets, add piece of butter to each, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and roast 1 hour at 400 deg F. Remove flesh from skins, discard skin, and add to stock pot. Add 5 cups of broth and cook for 20 minutes on medium heat. Blend w/ immersion blender and add additional 5 cups of broth. Stir. Add additional salt and pepper to taste.

This works out to be a high fiber, low fat, low sodium soup. Since PC's cardiac event, he's been on a low sodium diet, but he loves the butternut squash soup from TJ's. This is my version for him. :) It made 6 containers for work lunches... about 1 1/2 cups each.

Nutritional Info:
154 calories, 2.1 g fat (the good kind!), and 8.4 g fiber, 300 mg of sodium.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To text or not to text?

A discussion has been occurring in my life that I never thought would.

"when is it okay to text?"

And, it's truly a dilemma. I try not to text while having a conversation with someone in the room. PC is an exception, b/c sometimes he's in the room and well, he gets it.

For example, a lunch out recently at a fairly nice establishment netted me spying 2 couples texting while at the same table. They weren't talking to each other. I don't know if they were texting each other, but it seemed odd.

At knit night last night, two members texted each other within the group. While I thought this was incredibly rude, is it really? I consider whispering within a group rude.... but I was raised that you kept your thoughts to yourself and discussed them at a later time, if necessary. But, is it rude to text someone the equivalent of a whisper? I'm not sure society agrees with me, and I am quite all right with being wrong.

And, what about out with a friend? Is it okay to remove yourself (with or without telling your friend) from the conversation or activity, and text? Or tweet?

Does the relative silence of the texting activity remove the 'rudeness' factor?

Please, help the 'uninformed'. And, yes, I cast on for Girl Friday last night. Photos once I have something beyond ribbing.

Friday, September 25, 2009


PC has his first pair of handknit socks. Hooray! He likes them and can't wait to try them out on the ice at the first curling event. Which is next week? or the week after. Either way, it's soon.

My friend Dora and I are headed to the Franklin County Fiber Twist tomorrow. Anyone going??? If so, give a shout and we can meet up to say hi. :)

2 hour car ride with a new-good friend and some tunes, tea and some cash....all in the pursuit of yarn. Can you think of a better Saturday?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Day of Summer

A moment of reflection on the last day of summer. We didn't really have a summer here at chez Mini y PC. Sure, we went to Niagara Falls for a few days, and we bought a BBQ grill, but honestly, we usually do so much more in the summer. Those who know us know: that was a sure sign on financial unrest in this house. And, I think it really took a toll on me. More than I can explain.

I didn't get to sleep under the stars, warmed from the campfire and super chilly in the cool mountain air in the morning. Didn't get to see the wisps of morning being chased off the lake and hear the loon mamas calling for their kids to hurry up. No bad coffee (b/c when you are camping, any coffee is good coffee) and trips to Echo Lake, to float in the middle, staring up at the sky.

My blood pressure visibly decreases when we cross the border into NH. It's 'home' in so many ways to me: it's where I spent every summer as a child. It's where I went to college, had my first real boyfriend, and found my voice as an adult. It's where I chose to spend my vacations and where I want to retire.

PC... next year, let's promise, ok? Let's promise to camp more than we've ever camped before. Let's promise to work hard now and spend as much time, sitting on that great rock, laughing and not catching fish, swimming in Echo Lake and kissing under the star-filled sky.

Knitting: working on a 2nd sock to PC's first socks. Should be there soon enough.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Winner, Winner!

chicken dinner?

Nope... Marceli won! With 29 comments, I had a random number generator pick the winner.
Send me a private note with your name, address and I will mail you a prize! (kskaare at gmail dot com)

Now, some knitting.

Kiri Shawl by Polly Outhwaite *warning: that link is pdf*
Yarn: Ball and Skein's handpainted 100% 4-ply silk, purchased at NETA Spa in 2006
Needles; US 6 metal circulars
Mods: added 1 additional repeat before the edging.

Made for: me. :) PC and I are attending a family wedding tomorrow night and I have the perfect little black dress and purple shoes to go along.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A True Survivor

Some of you know that in our little Monday night knitting group at Island Yarn, we have a celebrity mom. As in, she's the mom of a celebrity. Rochelle's son is Ethan Zohn, winner of Survivor Africa, the very popular reality tv show. Now, no matter what you might think of reality tv, Ethan's taken philanthropy and community outreach to a whole new level.

He's the founder of GrassRoots, a soccer based AIDS/HIV outreach education organization that uses the fundamentals of soccer to teach young Africans about safe sex and the dangers of unprotected sex. Just last year, he raised money for this cause by dribbling a soccer ball from Boston to Washington DC.

But, Ethan has cancer. We learned earlier this year as we watched his mom try to stay strong and help her youngest fight back against lymphoma. A round of chemo has not been successful and he's getting ready to begin a new phase in his treatment. As we rally around Rochelle, she and her other two sons are rallying around Ethan.

Via his mom, a knitter, we have been asked to help Ethan raise more funds for his organization and cancer charities by voting for him in GQ Magazine's “2009 Better Men Better World Search”. What could be better than someone who is fighting back against cancer and still only thinking of what he can do to help others? When so many asked "how can we help?", the response was to help him help others.

So, I need YOU to go vote for Ethan (he's a top 5 candidate) at:

Come back here after you vote, leave me a comment (please: be honest) with your vote and at the end of the week, I'll give out some prizes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I know EXACTLY what I am making with my 10 skeins of hot pink Cascade 220. So far this year, I have fallen in love with 2 sweaters... both are ready to cast on and get started. After last years failed cardigan attempt (where I thought I was 13 inches wider ON.EACH.SIDE than I am ), I am blindly following the sizing instructions. I already got gauge.

This will look so cute with a white t-shirt and black pants for work.....

Photos from Knitty.... Girl Friday Sweater by

Friday, September 04, 2009

On the line...

I have been knitting. I've been knitting up a storm, actually. In between it all, I have managed to fit in a trip to the annual JCA sale (see Erika's blog for a photo of my haul), a trip to WoolPak and getting ready for my new job. :)

First up, one of 2 sweaters for my cousin Sue's twins. She's due in late October/early November (who knows with twins!) and these wee ones will need something to keep them warm. (don't worry Sue, O will be getting a new sweater too!)

Twin A will be sporting purple :

Twin B will have pink ( I have 3 rounds and a bind off to do, but I have to go to the gym, you get a 'twin shot' tomorrow). The sweater is a "Designs by Jeannine" pattern from the Wool Pak. Both sweaters are knit in Berroco Comfort DK on US 3 and 5 needles. Easy pattern, great little sweater-- you 'upsize' it by increasing the yarn weight and needles.

Another set of twins around here is PC's feet. They are GINORMOUS. My PC had freakishly large skinny feet. :) Like all men, I suppose. His first "curling" sock is done, waiting on a twin. The twin is being cast on tonight, I hope. Now that I have his 'recipe' down, the 2nd sock will fly along.

Would a beret by any other name be so sweet? The Leaf and Vine beret from Vogue Knitting Fall 2009; a gift for my aunt in Pennsylvania. She'll love the soft RYC Cashsoft and of course, the blue. Last year, I sent her a blue cowl for Christmas and she LOVED it. This year, I am adding to her blue ensemble with a beret.... a slouchy one at that. :) I am going to re-knit this pattern as I loved it and I want one for me... in a more 'mini' color and a smaller size.

And, the big project: Shalom cardigan for my friend Sylvie. She's a great best friend/sister and this is her birthday present. We have the same October 9 birthday and this sweater will look great on her. She's a very chic Frenchwoman and will love the silk/alpaca/wool of this vest. It's knit from 8 skeins of Mirasol Sulka. I have to say, knitting with the yarn was to.die.for. It shed, yes, but it was totally worth it. Island Yarn has a bunch of colors, just sayin'.

This was today's photoshoot location.... my back porch. It's been super nice to sit on the porch and read the paper, etc each morning. I'm looking forward to autumn!

A BIG first today: first time dropping off the laundry! Since our dryer is still D.O.A downstairs, we've all had to do the laundrymat thing. Since I wasn't working, it was no big deal, 1.5 hours of my life, $12 and I had my laundry done. Now that I'll be working, we are dropping it off. Neither of us wants to spend our evenings in the laundrymat and we can afford it, so why not, right?

Friday, August 21, 2009

I have knitting....

and a dead camera battery. *sigh*

Instead, I will tell you about the super-secret, oh-wow! experience I had yesterday with PC. PC took me to a place that I had never even heard about... the Bodega.

If you are like PC and into sneakers (PC is a sneaker-ho... he loves sneakers, all kinds, all brands... it's an endearing quality that he lusts after a pair of black and green Jordan's like a 15 year old boy on his first date)--- you must get to the Bodega.

Good luck finding it.

I will say, it's in BackBay, it's cleverly hidden and I'm very glad I didn't go alone. They have taken a typical 'corner store' storefront and used it cleverly hide a shop--- inside the store! You walk into what looks like it could be a crackden, go directly past the scary looking guys sitting at the folding table (playing on a laptop) and through what seems to be a wall. Trust is everything at this point. Welcome to the Bodega.

No sneakers followed us home, but a t-shirt did. It's rockin'!

Off to Portland Maine today with my PC... it's all about the Downeaster train ride and less about Maine.

Will blog again tomorrow... with a photo of my Shalom cardigan in progress and some cool stitch markers. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Since the acceptance letter is printed, signed and on its way to the employer, I can give up some info about the job. I do try to keep some anonymity on the blog, as I believe separating work from home is a little like separating church from state: required for the sanctity of both.

So, I will no longer be a scientista as of early September. I'm leaving the comfort zone of my favored field of work: lab science. I was a good scientist, not a great one. I knew/know a lot of about a lot of different subjects within my field, but I wasn't going to cure cancer anytime soon. Nor was I going to get much 'higher' on the totem pole without the PhD after my name. Before this, I got 'up' by using my talents and my ability to negotiate. After the layoff, it was 'where from here?'

I applied to a position I never thought in a million years I would hear back from. I had made a deal with myself in the beginning: try for the 'big career change' job for 3 months, then you are banking on 10 years of good lab expertise and trying to get paid. Sounds reasonable, no? Friends, PC --- all were very helpful. I tried everything and heard back from one position that I was candidate #2 for. Oh, I was pissed. I thought I had that one nailed.

So, back to this job. I thought it was interesting. I was intrigued... but I never thought they'd call back. I spent 3 days crafting my resume and cover letter. I sent them off and promptly forgot about it. Fast forward a few weeks: a phone call. They want to talk to me! Over the phone... Ah, they are weeding out the 'duds'. I pass the phone call! I go in for interview #1.... wow! I really want this job! I wait... get project assigned and date for interview #2! Work on project for a full week... research, write, re-write, evaluate, change, change back, more research... and then the interview. I am prepared. Confident. 4 interviewers later...and 3 hours... a trip to lunch with VP and HR. Small talk, order meals... .make offer. Ask for weekend, knowing I will accept, but need time to do private happy dance. So, I am a scientific conference content producer. I'm not sure my actual title yet, but that's a close guess.

A good knitting friend hooked me up with one of her friends for an informational interview for this new field. It was such an amazing advantage. This was something I did throughout my search, I networked not only for jobs, but for information: about companies, positions, roles... and it helped.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mazel Tov!

First, thanks for all the good wishes. I will fill in the blanks next week, once I have officially accepted the position (was reviewing the legal documents) and have calmed down a bit.

But, today... today is a great day.

7 years ago today, I had my first date with PC. It was 102 deg F, muggy and disgusting. And, we went to the Franklin Park Zoo after lunch at the Joshua Tree in Somerville, MA. He was super cute with his blue eyes, blonde hair and adorable smile.... and I guess I caught his fancy as well.

7 years, 3 moves, and 1 cat later... here we are.

We are celebrating today by going on a whale watch (we are already back and slightly sunburnt) and then dinner at the Capital Grille.

I can't explain how much I love PC or how much it means to me that he's tolerated the past 8 months of unemployment, but when you have seen us together, you know how much we love each other.

In the past 7 years, we've never....
  • gone to bed angry
  • said mean things intentionally
  • broken up
  • cheated
  • spoken ill of each other

In the past 7 years, we've learned....
  • patience
  • forgiveness
  • acceptance
  • tolerance
  • faith
  • and that love can truly grow.

PC, I love you more today than yesterday... but not as much as tomorrow. Happy 7th... and here's to 43 more... :)


Friday, August 14, 2009


I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

details to follow... right now, I just want to run around in my excitement. :)

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Baby Knitting....

So, my friend Lisa decided to have a baby. In North Carolina. I guess this is acceptable b/c well... she lives there with her hubby. They own a house, two cars and two wee kittens, so I guess it was way more practical for me to go to her. So off I went on a Boston-Raleigh flight last weekend for a baby shower. Now, most of you know that I would pretty much do anything for my friends, but I really never thought I'd fly 2 hours for a baby shower. Drive 2 hours? Sure! But fly?

And, this is no ordinary friend. This friend and her hubster have an unusual pedigree: she's 1/2 Jewish and Cuban, he's Indian. A beautiful baby will be arriving soon, but c'mon: this kid is NOT going to do well in pastels. You know, I know.... they know. So, I made the wee-one-to-be a quilt... full of reds, sages, and buttery yellows....

And matching bumpers.

And a sweater.

And I iron-on'd (is this a word??) some cute decals to some onesies.

Moving on... I'm working on a baby sweater and 2 pair of socks, one for me, one for PC.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I read something online earlier this week about being a grown-up. How do you recognize this feat? When do we really feel "adult?"

I can say for me; moving in with PC. First time I really felt like I had my shit under control and that my life was moving in the right direction. Had the boy, had the apartment and soon after, had the cat. I have a friend who once told me "the day I realized that I don't have to call my mom back." I look around me and see all of our friends in the midst of various "adulthood": getting married, having babies, having 2nd babies(!!!), buying houses, buying 2nd houses, getting divorced, working a new career, staying home, and movin' along with life. Last year, I bought a car without asking my dad about it. I've never done that. We chose this apartment (and the one before it) without any input. I've been terrified in an ER in the middle of the night, waiting alone... praying. It took me 31.8 years to realize that there are different kinds of 'adults'... and that's okay.

Sometimes I feel like I am standing completely still while the world moves around me and then I look at where I am. I am here. In my life and I am happy. I look at PC, who gives me stupid grins when I get a little morose about who we are and where we're at. We're not everyone else. We are us.

So, what was the first thing that made you feel like an adult?

The job hunt continues... and the knitting, the knitting is good... I will blog about knitting sometime this weekend, promise!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

1, 2, 3, 4.....

I love this song... and I like the video even more.

This one's for PC. :) 7 years strong in August.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mama's Girl

Pumpkin is a mama's girl lately. All day long, she's twirling around my feet, making "birdie" sounds at me... bringing me toys. The past two days have involved jumping onto the back of the computer chair and trying to peek at me OVER my head. Yes, I have had a 12 lb orange cat on my head more than once this week.

She's always been a follower: she needs to know where we are at all times. And, if we are in separate rooms, she positions herself to see both of us equally. :)

On lonely days, she's the best friend I have. On other days, she's a dangerous tripping hazard.

PC's always said that I hold her too much and kiss her too much... but lately, when I've tried to back off on that, she comes looking for it. We have a morning snuggle every day where I hold her and scratch her back and she meows at me. In a loving way.

An entire post about the cat.

I need to knit more.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I try and try not to whine

but today I need to.

I need a job. A j.o.b. I need to use my brain and go to work and make a living. I can't stay home. I can't watch any more tv. Even knitting is not enough anymore.

To the uninformed, who will of course comment " i wish i had free time!", being unemployed is NOT vacation. I don't sleep all day, wake up, drink coffee and eat bon bons. I don't shop all day long. I don't do long lunches. I get up, drink coffee, search for jobs, call people (border on harrassment), email people, bug my recruiters, fill out job applications, and wait for the phone to ring. I also do the laundry, cook the meals, shop for food, keep the house manageable and try not to kill myself. This last part, getting harder. I'm tired of being out of work. I'm tired of my gut sinking each time I hear "oh, we offered the job to another candidate". I want to know why I even bother sending my resume around when no one wants to read it. Or no one does read it.

I want to know why the crazy drugged out (admittedly so, on 'medication') interview went well and Mr. Stoner forgot to call me to offer me the job. And, when I called to see the status of the job, I was told I'd have to re-interview b/c he didn't remember me. Oh, why bother??? Will he remember this time? He still sounded stoned and was still (admittedly) on drugs.

Why do the interviewers smile and say how great I am to turn around and say I am overqualified? Or underqualified? Just once, I'd like the interview to end one of two ways:
1) "Sorry, you are not what we are looking for: good luck"
2) "hooray! you're here! Don't leave, we're going to go get you a bucket of money"

Now, the 2nd might be a stretch, but why tell me that you'll be making a decision and that you'll let me know, but never call me? HR PERSONNEL: I know your job is hard, and is getting harder, but a LITTLE HONESTY goes a LONG way with job candidates.

I'm whiny. I'm emotionally exhausted. I am really tired of our friends dodging us b/c I'm not working. And I am really tired of being me.

Say a prayer, make a wish or better yet... help me get a job.

10 year biochemist with lab management and product management experience and BA degree in Boston seeks a home. Will work hard for honest working wage.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Buck, Buck, Buck

This concept had us laughing so hard at the guild meeting last night, I just had to share. One of our members is knitting one purely to see how the garment is made.


Please, click away!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Check 1 2 3

Test post from the road :) utica ny

Mini y pc
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh Canada!

PC and I are leaving in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow for trip we've talked about for 7 years... we're going to Niagara Falls. It's only a mere 8 hours in the car on the way out... combined with a stop at GoldLine in Rochester, NY for curling supplies. Yup. Curling. PC has been struck by the curling bug this past winter and it's time to get him his own broom. No curling shops here in Massachusetts, so we're stopping along the way.

So, b/c we won't see you:

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Fourth of July!

I've packed rain gear, my camera and the computer... and a kiri shawl and a sock. 8 hours of knitting err.... driving! :)


Monday, June 29, 2009

Make New Friends.....

But keep the old,
One is silver
and the other gold.

Wow. Anyone else have a Girl Scout flashback?

Meet Betty. Betty B. Bee, a new friend in these parts... in fact, she's no longer living here. She was passed along to Mari's daughter, Noodle, who turned 1 this week! She's one! My god! And, she was immediately nibbled on, so therefore, the doll is a success! Noodle's b-day was full of banana-muffin/cupcakes (with pink frosting) that were a hit with the birthday girl. And I hope that the frosting comes off her dress. :)

Pattern: sunflower children from Twist Collective
Yarn: Cascade 220
Needles: US 2

"when do we leave for Noodle's house??? I wanna go NOW!!"

My cousin S's daughter is turning two. Wow. I can't believe it. S has to be my favorite cousin out of the zillion. Her daughter is simply an amazing young lady too... I love knitting for her. :)

Pattern: poppy by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Cascade 220 (100% wool), yellow, white, black. Cherry Tree Hill superwash sock yarn for dress.
Needles: US 2
Notes: this took less than 8 total hours to knit.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How's about a Red Scarf?

A bee (like the ladybug) has been knit and I am waiting until tomorrow to post some photos... she's very cute and for my sweet Noodle, who will be turning 1 next week! Yikes!

But, now it's like .... what to knit? I want to knit a Feb lady sweater, but that requires addressing some body issues with a measuring tape and well, we don't want to do that on a rainy dreary week... it might induce suicidal thoughts.

So, what to knit? Done with socks for now. Considered mittens.

I know!

A. Red. Scarf.

How about you? Will you knit a red scarf this year?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

And, I finally have some photos. Ignore the messes and the general "cluttered" feeling in some of the rooms... it's a work in progress. The craft/office space is still under construction as PC needs some space to do some CD organizing (he has a magical system... it involves sitting among the CDs) and I need to maneuver some stuff "away".

In through the front door....

Living room... w/ recovered sofas...

Dining room.....

Dining room... other direction.

Leaving the dining room....

Single bath in the hall.....Love them penguins!!!

Entering kitchen....

Kitchen for cooking! Check out the NEW appliances!!!

Craft (crap) room--- office is behind where I am standing.

View off the back deck... a peach tree (next to shed) and a HUGE garden... attended to by our landlady, Carmella. :)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Movin' on Up!

We're here. The new apartment is very cute and will shape up nicely... in a few days. Last night, we tackled the last room that we had yet to access (we haven't unpacked it, just accessed it): the office/craft room. And I found the high speed router. All is well again.

A quick story. We got this apartment the same day that Landlady McWeirdo came by to announce us "unfit for Middlesex Rd, Watertown". I had called a realtor (CRG Realty in Newton- ask for Kathy Iovieno) and told her our story. Well, she asked me 10 questions and then said "I'll call you back." Well, having heard that before, I was surprised when she called me back! The address she gave and time to see the apartment fit into our schedule. And the address? Well, the traffic was bad in front of our old apartment that day, so we walked to the listing. Walked. 984 feet.

The apartment is great. I orginally thought it might be too small... but the kitchen? To.die.for. Travertine tiles and stainless steel appliances. A large ceiling fan. Built in microwave. And spacious. 2 BR and attached living room and dining room ( archway in between) make it nice for socializing. :)

The furniture fits well (minus PC's recliner, which has been moved to a reading nook in the office-- maybe he'll work through the stack of books he's got) and the place looks good. The upstairs neighbor is the landlord's daughter and granddaughter and are super nice. Landlord is great too-- he was here all weekend, installing blinds and helping us out. Oh, and my fridge broke (wah!) so he's replacing it with a new one-- also matching stainless steel.

And, before the saga of the move, an apology to PC. I found yarn in every single room of our old apartment. I'm sorry. I never knew I turned our apartment in my yarn storage. I love you and I am sorry.

Moving. If you are in Metro Boston and need a mover, I am openly recommending Benny's Moving in Watertown, MA. They showed up EARLY and ready to move. Diego, the foreman, was great and they really moved stuff fast! We only had one victim: my kitchen island... but I think it was ready to break before they took the wheels off. Sylvie and Amy... I couldn't have done this without you! Both of my friends showed up (Sylvie the a.m. shift, and Amy after lunch) and really helped me get settled in. Sylvie kept the movers moving, assembled furniture, and expertly placed my dining room rug. Amy is the queen of the kitchen drawer liners... she lined every cabinet and drawer in the apartment. :)

Our parents (both sets) came by on Friday to drop off pizza (mine) and Pumpkin (PC's).

I will do a photo tour soon... once I can find the camera. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

I have been knitting. I have. Ask anyone at the Island Yarn Company's Monday or Thursday knit night.... I've got one active knitting bag that has socks-in-progress b/c that's all I can handle right now. Truly.

What else could a gal in her 30s, with no job, be doing all day?


Oh, good Lord, the boxes.

Piles of them.

Piles of newspaper.

Piles of trash.

If you don't hear from me for a week or so, it's because

1. I am moving and too busy
2. I am trapped in/under/behind a box and I need you to call the fire-rescue in Newton.

As PC, Pumpkin and I say good bye to what is our first home as a "family", it's sad to leave. While, we are upgrading and life is good... this is still our first home together and that brings with it a lot of memories. Christmases, special occasions, bringing Pumpkin home.... I keep getting more and more emotional.

Until I think about the kick-ass brand new stainless steel appliances waiting for me around the corner. Then, sad? Not so much. :)


Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Dancing?

We have a home! PC and I will be inhabiting an apartment around the corner from our current place. Same neighborhood, better landlord (we hope, but so far, so good) and a pretty nice apartment.

Now, no job yet. And, I'm going to talk about it, so settle in. There's no job. I've been looking for 6 months. My field has openings, and yes, I've applied to them all, but I feel like a bad penny! Throughout my 10 year career, I've made some bad decisions and job-hopped a bit and now it's coming back to bite me in the tush. The reasons seem clear to me and I saw a good strong future at my old company so the lay-off was a shock. And, it's hard to explain to an HR person that I want this job and I'll stay with this position for years and years, when my resume says 'probably not."

How do you explain that throughout this you learned, you grew and you took responsibility for mistakes you made? Private things affected job decisions (like when my mom was so sick and I was the only one taking her to the ER and missing work? Laid off. They were nice about it, but I know why.) and I don't know how to explain it without sounding whiny.

I have interviewed for a great job and I was told "great fit!" and haven't heard anything. Two emails have gone unanswered. I want it, willing to work my butt off for it... and yet, nothing.

I'm really tired of not working. Of feeling like a mooch on PC. Of not having anywhere to be Mondays at 8am.

Any advice, suggestions and cheering up encouraged. Today's a bad day.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Movin' On...

Well, better things must be in our future... thanks for the commiseration with us. Being told that you're "not the right people for the apartment" brings up a few emotions: anger, disappointment, confusion, and feeling diminutive. I think what I struggle is this: we're good people who have been trying hard. We don't have great furniture, I do the best I can do with the apartment I have, and well, if that's not good enough, than what is? PC and I have decided to leave it alone and just simply move on. But it's hard. You wonder "what was is about US that makes us wrong for this place?" and then you wake up at 2am and realize: it's her, not us. She's the one with the problem.

Karma will kick her in the ass or at least down a flight of stairs one of these days.

How's about some knitting?

Pattern: Baby Blanket ( my own)
Yarn : Shetland Chunky (blue and brown- 3 skeins of each)
Needles: US 10

Notes: I knit this for a friend who's expecting baby #2... well, now. She's due right around now and she's a woman who really appreciates the handknits! And since baby #2 is a boy... blue and brown are so chic and so fun... it was a match made in heaven . Or Pottery Barn. :) Simple pattern: Cast on 22 stitches, knit 36 rows of garter, change colors, rinse and repeat. Make 5 strips of 5 "blocks" and stitch together. I did a simple crocheted edging.

Meet Abby. Abby was named by her new "mommy", the big sister of the baby-on-the-way. I think it's hard for 2-3 year olds to understand the whole new baby thing, so a new toy might help ease the pain of the baby getting a lot of attention. She's a great little girl who loves loves dolls... so this is perfect. I used the same pattern from Twist as my ladybug for Noodle. I made the dress separate so she can practice "dressing her babies". And, for her birthday, a few teddy bear/ Cabbage Patch kid sweaters are needed and some new clothes for the Abby doll. I am thinking more dresses (at least two), pants, tops and of course, undies for the potty training. :)

I am so happy at her face.... she looks so happy, playful and not at all scary. :) I'm addicted to making these dolls. I have one more to make: a bee for Noodle's first birthday (in 5 short weeks!!!)